Handing over donations to St. Elisabeth Hospice Künzelsau

01 October 2024 , MEFA Blog Team

Donate instead of giving 💙


The motto has been with us for some time now and this year we have once again been guided by it. At our 75th company anniversary celebration in July, we asked our guests for their support in a matter close to our hearts instead of a gift. Donations were to be made to the St. Elisabeth Hospice in Künzelsau and we are delighted that so many guests responded to this appeal and supported the hospice. We were therefore able to hand over a total amount of € 20.000 to the Hohenlohe Hospice Support Association. 


The hospice has set itself the task of accompanying people in their last phase of life and giving them and their relatives space to be there for each other, to talk to listen and to say goodbye. This goal is being implemented with the establishment of an inpatient hospice. We are grateful to be able to actively support this and would like to express our sincere thanks for all the generous donations and wish St. Elisabeth Hospice am Rösleinsberg all the best.