The intelligent way to protect

In the area of fixing systems for pipelines or technical building equipment steel is mainly used for holding structures. This affects especially rail systems, pipe clamps and thread connections. To protect these components against rust a sufficient corrosion protection is required. Only because of that systems can be used long term economic and without damages.
Information about environmental conditions, humidity, temperature, air pollution (sulfur or chlorides) as well as salt loading are necessary for choosing the right corrosion protection. The service life should be considered and maybe optical issues becomes important, also.
With TSP®, MEFA offers a comprehensive system of surface protections for a wide range up to the highest corrosive category C5. This means, that support structures can be installed in indoor swimming pools, road tunnels or in the offshore sector without difficulties.
Therefore, you can avoid expensive and difficult to obtain stainless steel constructions in many applications and use approved fixing systems at once.
The protection systems TSP®-3 and TSP®-5 are the core pieces of TSP®.
DIN EN ISO 12944 and DIN EN ISO 14713 MEFA surfaces classified by corrosive categories
The corrosion of metal surfaces depends amongst others on the following factors:
- Environment (atmosphere, water or earth)
- Concentration of substances favoring corrosion (sulfur or chlorides)
- Temperature (increasing temperature causes higher corrosion)
- Strains during use (e.g. mechanical abrasion)
The overall climate (clime, countryside or industrial areas, urban or coastal area) as well as climatic differences on site (e.g. sunny or shady side respectively weather side, covered or not covered, fluctuating humidity within the interior, local chemical strains) are highly significant for corrosion.
The DIN EN ISO 12944 specifies the corrosive categories. The environmental conditions are classified into six categories from insignificant to highly respectively extreme.
The DIN EN ISO 12944 encompasses the protection of steel parts against corrosion by coating systems. DIN EN ISO 14713 the protection by galvanization.
Both standards contain almost the same corrosive categories.